August visitors (mostly Sulwen)

Please note: For the first time I've included some video. Interesting as they are, they may take several minutes to download (maybe more, depending on your connection speed), so be forwarned if you are bit limited to avoid the .AVI files.

On August 5th, Sulwen and parents, Tanna and Stephen, arrived for a visit. Sulwen quickly discovered I had put the climbing net up, and was soon giving it a try under the watchful eye of Grammy. Also arriving that day were the family of girlhood friend of Tanna and Hailey, Sue, Scott, Quint, and Lauren.

The next morning Quint and Sue and I went into Ashland to the Elks Club Cars of Summer show, and here's Quint and his favorite car. Afternoon brought on the Hawaiian themed party at the home of Hailey and Bill. Sulwen and I decided to humor them, and there we are. We weren't the only ones, as Scott and Sue also tried on the beach costume. The swimming pool was a big hit, and here's Sulwen and Tanna getting their temperatures adjusted. After a bit of acclimation, Sulwen and Lauren ventured out. More excitement when the hula teacher arrived, and gals tried the hula while the guys (mostly) watched and took pictures. Oooh, just looking at that hurts my knees. Eventually it was time for that quintessential Hawaiian entertainment, the piņata. What? It's not Hawaiian? Well, Wikipedia says it orginated in China, migrated to Europe where it got its name from the Italian "pignatta". There were similar traditions in Mesoamerica, but where the idea came to be traditional Mexico I didn't pursue. Anyway, a little later came the Hawaiian tradition of coconut bars, and other similar iced goodies. Back to the pool, where Sulwen was enticed (shall we say) to try the diving board. I guess she liked it, as here she is setting a long distance jumping record (to the consternation of her Grammy?). Among the many others at the party, here's Quint doing a real splasher.

The days go by, and finally one Wednesday some of us head up to the Lake of the Woods Resort for a little different kind of rest and relaxation. The next day Tanna and Sulwen arrive. Tanna, Sulwen, and I discover a giant chair at the marina. Here, Sulwen tries it out to see if there is enough room for her. Nearby was a relic of times gone by and for only a quarter a long ride on a stagecoach. (if your internet connection does not download this fast enough be sure to play it a second time.) Later it is time to roast some weiners on a log fire. Amelia, Dick, and MaryKay think the eats are pretty good. Me, too. I know, somebody looks like they didn't quite agree, but it was just a passing thing. Later came the best part, Magnum Bars.

Darla and Mark came down from Eugene for the weekend. Since Mark and Darl had to head back on Sunday, Sulwen got an early birthday present from them (made by Darla): Angel Wings. Here they are being admired by Sulwen, Tanna, and Hailey.

Sunday was a little bit of downtime on the deck after a busy week or more. Amelia sat back and enjoyed the goings on. Mark and Darla were entertained by Sulwen and Tate. I was nonchalant when dusted with angel dust. The angel figured out the John Deere pretty quickly. Hmmm. Must be something pretty interesting there. Then Pipit got a hug so she wouldn't feel left out. Now, Wicket was out there somewhere, but we'll see him later.

Monday got few pictures. Sulwen leashed the dogs to the all-terrain tricycle, and Pipit, Millie, and Wicket seemed to tolerate it. For a while. Being the elder of the group, Wicket was privileged to go for a ride in the cart, while Millie and Pipit wondered what was going on.

Tuesday, the 15th was the big day. Sulwen's birthday, and she got a special breakfast, an M&M pancake of her age. Yep, she thought it was pretty good. Later, it was swing time, and Millie enjoyed it as much as Sulwen. Then Millie relaxed and Sulwen pumped up. Sulwen thought Millie might like to twist up, and she tolerated it OK. Later, it was birthday cake time. Almost ready to blow out the candles. Ah yes, now the birthday monkey is in place and eventually the candles are out. For those that can't wait for the video, here's the final result. Time for a few presents, only a few shown here: A jump rope; Spanish flash cards; Just what I always wanted, Constructive Eating; now there's something good, Stickle-Brix; and finally, a Madeline book.

Here it is the 17th already. Time is running down. First, a little morning time with Grammy and Daddy. Then some pond time playing with the boat Grandad made. Finally, on the the gym class for some jumping and work on the rings.

Then, it's off for home for Sulwen, Tanna, and Stephen. And it was mighty quiet here. Too quiet. Well, maybe not. Good time was had by all.