Some recent pictures

When we were in Benicia before the picture shoot, David and Bonnie (brother and wife) came to visit. They had previously been to visit Hailey, and Tanna and Stephen, at their homes. Then they came to visit us the following weekend in Talent. I didn't get any good pictures, but this one of David and Bonnie was taken at Timber Cove by Tanna or Stephen.

Besides that we've had a few (other?) strange things go on around the house. One morning I discovered that this frog had apparently sneaked into the house when we went out or came back from the hot tub the previous evening, but didn't manage to keep out of our way. On a happier note, this six foot long Western Garter Snake was on our driveway (OK, I'm lying about how big it was: they only get two feet long, and this one was about 10 inches). On a more interesting note, my Mortgage Lifter tomato has finally starting lifting its mortgage and has given us several nice size tomatoes, with many more coming. Also have lots of zucchini, some Japanese egg plant, and lots of cherry tomatoes and yellow pear tomatoes. And a carrot (yeh, A carrot).

On Friday past, we went up to Howard Prairie Lake to kayak (darn, never seem to remember to take pictures of the kayak). Anyway, we saw lots of birds, including:
White Pelicans
A Bald Eagle
We saw many osprey, but they were all either far away (as those), or I didn't have my camera ready. Next time.