People pictures

Birthdays in Timber Cove

When we returned from Green Valley in May, we stopped off to see Tanna and Stephen in Timber Cove. Since it was the day before Amelia's birthday (same day as Harry S. Truman's birthday), we were greeted by a gaily decorated house. Hailey also showed up, and we all (except me, it looks like) took a hike along the coast. Here's Hailey and Tate. Since we had missed Stephen's birthday in April, we had a joint celebration. Here's the birthday girl and the birthday boy.

Memorial Day weekend

Tanna and Hailey came up for Memorial Day weekend, here getting settled into their digs. A trip to Oregon is never complete without the girls and dogs taking a hike on the Bear Creek Greenway. Here they are with the dogs included. Tries for a formal picture or two always wind up with someone looking strange (about like informal pictures, in that respect). Oh well.

Grants Pass area excursion

The next week week we went to visit our friends, Linda and Ron (here with Amelia) near Grants Pass. We took a little hike on the Limpy Creek Botanical Trail. Here's Amelia and Linda taking a brief respite along the way. Limpy Creek Trail is a wonderful trail with lots of Spring (well, it was spring back then) wildflowers, of which there will be many pictures forthcoming. Watch for the "Mostly Flowers" posting, soon to come.

SOLIR Picnic

As usual, the SOLIR Picnic on June 8 was a good success (OK - if you try to please everyone, someone isn't going to like it!). Thanks to the persons responsible, Ina (second from left, seated, facing camera at the near table), and Richard (nowhere to be seen here, I guess).

Out of town guests

Just after the picnic, Don and Becky came in from Albuquerque for a few days. On Saturday, Mark and Darla came down from Eugene. Here are the "girls" on the bridge on the Bear Creek Trail. A little later, we conned a passing photograher into getting a shot of the whole crew.

Then, just a week ago, Joan and Larry breezed into town for a couple of days. Sunday afternoon, we set off on a tour of Ashland. We eventually wound up at a cafe beside Lithia Creek, where we and Joan and Larry enjoyed a cool drink of lemonade.